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Retirement benefits being discussed by employees

Employers And Plan Sponsors

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We Understand Your Retirement Needs

We design our products and solutions to address the needs of employers and their employees.  Our goal is to provide you with the peace of mind that the people you employ are protected and financially secured.

Our ultimate goal is to help employers like you assist your employees in becoming financially independent for tomorrow. We provide the right balance of tools, sound education, and support to provide competitive retirement benefits to your employees.

We help you build trusted relationships with your employees through the retirement benefits we offer. Together, let's partner to offer comprehensive education, experienced and knowledgeable financial professionals, and resourceful tools and calculators to deliver the retirement plan your employees deserve. We specialize in servicing small to medium sized plans.

Nationally, we are the leading fixed indexed annuity provider in employer-sponsored plans. We understand the markets we serve which enables us to offer solutions that empower you and give your employees control over their retirement dreams.

  1. LIMRA 2015

Whether you are a public, private or charter school, our retirement solutions are designed to help make plan administration easier while preparing teachers for a sound and secure future. Our strategies keep in mind that educators work hard to develop future leaders of tomorrow; so, we take pride in helping them plan for the retirement they envision and deserve. That commitment is demonstrated through our LifeChanger of the Year program where we recognize and reward educators across the country for their contributions to their school, students, and community.

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We specialize in qualified, non-ERISA retirement plans. We provide retirement solutions for:

  • 403(b) Plans
    • 403(b) plans allow your employees to save money for retirement with tax benefits.
  • 457(b) Plans
    • Like 401(k) contribution limits are not coordinated with 403(b) and 401(k) plans; therefore allowing employees to save more.
  • 3121 FICA Alternative Plans
    • These plans give their part-time, temporary and seasonal employees a meaningful, defined contribution retirement plan as an alternative to Social Security.
  • 401(a) Plans
    • These plans are money-purchase retirement plans and available to corporations, self-employed individuals, sole proprietorships, partnerships, non-profit organizations, and government - public and private - employers. Contribution limits are not coordinated with 403(b) and 457(b) plans.
  • IRA
    • This is an account available to individuals to save for retirement made available by the tax code. It is for persons under age 70 1/2 with earned income. An IRA complements an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

National Life Group supports your efforts to provide sound retirement options and attractive benefits for your employees.

Staying current on industry trends and regulation is fundamental to ensure your retirement plan is meeting the needs of your employees while remaining compliant. Through our plan sponsor blog, “Retirement Resource BlogOpens in new Tab,” we keep you informed about key issues facing the industry, such as DOL and IRS updates, legislation changes, and retirement and defined contribution trends that could affect your plan. We also provide educational content to raise awareness about plan participation, product myths, and our services.

We will continue to strengthen our relationship with partnership managers through group reviews, regular communication, and plan reporting. We believe in educating the plan sponsor with the goal of helping you provide the best retirement plan for your employees.

Retirement Resources Blog
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A Relationship Built on Trust

Serving you and your retirement plan needs is our primary focus. Building an ongoing trusting relationship is the only way we do business. Our Relationships Managers are strategically positioned across the country to be actively responsive to your plan needs. We offer a single point of contact that is dedicated to ensuring your plan needs are met. These relationship managers take time to understand your plan, your participants, and your plan goals and objectives. Then, we partner with you to develop a strategy that meets those goals and objectives.

Additionally, because being compliant is at the forefront of your retirement plan needs, we partner with some of the best third party administrators across the country. As your annuity retirement plan provider, you can trust that your plan is in the best care. Through our partnership, we help to simplify and reduce your administrative burdens.

Our service model is designed to help meet your plan’s goals. Our experience combined with our plan and industry knowledge provides the support you need to achieve your retirement plan goals.

Providing tools to help you manage your plan’s retirement needs puts the control at your fingertips. Our Plan Administrator’s Portal is designed to minimize your administrative responsibility while maximizing your efficiency. With 24/7 accessibility, plan sponsors can access plan reporting via our Plan Administrator's Portal at any time. This secure site offers:

  • Search feature
    • By policy number, SSN, Last or First name and Date of Birth
  • Request Extract SPARK File
    • Excel file provided thru a secure link
  • Change Profile/Password
  • Helpful Hints
  • Contact Us

Managing your retirement plan is made easy with our Plan Administrator’s Portal.

To register, call 1-866-243-7174.

Already registered? Login now.

We partner with some of the best independent advisors across the country. Our advisors are trained on the rules and regulations of the industry and taught to apply them to individual situations.


Through our Certified 403(b)/457 Training Program we ensure that anyone working with your employees is qualified. 403(b)/457 Certified Advisors representing National Life Group and Life Insurance Company of the Southwest, go through the following vetting process, annually, in order to obtain an official Certified Badge:

  • State & Federal civil and criminal background checks with ongoing monthly monitoring
  • Education regarding applicable State & Federal regulations for state retirement plans
  • 403(b)/457 plan fundamentals training
  • Comprehensive review of solicitation practices
  • Behavioral and ethical training

Additionally, all advisors hold the required state insurance licenses applicable to educate your employees on the products offered in your retirement plan.

Financial Literacy

National Life Group independent advisors conduct financial literacy seminars, workshops, and individual meetings with your employees. Through active engagement, the advisors equip your employees with the education necessary to make informed decisions about their retirement plan. Our advisors can provide:

  • Vendor neutral, state retirement plan presentations
  • Group Seminars
    • Plan Specific Benefits and Enrollment meetings
  • Individual appointments, including annual account review
  • Financial Seminars
    • College Funding
    • Pension Maximization
    • Mortgage Redemption/Protection
    • Estate Planning

National Life Group independent advisors offer the education your employees need to prepare for retirement.


Partnering with you, we build the participant education model that meets the needs of your plan while serving the individual needs of each employee. Our retirement education starts during the implementation process and continues until your employees retire.

We answer key retirement questions.

Why should I save for retirement? Why should I save in my employer-sponsored plan? Why should I start saving now?

These are some of the most contemplated questions by your employees. Plan awareness is not enough. That’s why we offer a robust retirement education strategy that not only addresses these questions, but also responds to more. We address social security help, how does the state retirement plan factor in, am I saving enough, allocation diversification, and general retirement planning.

Individualized Service

Because we know that your employees want choice we provide education in multiple channels. For those who enjoy learning more hands on, we offer group seminars and face-to-face meetings. For those employees who want little or no help we offer tools, calculators, and resources to help them navigate through retirement.

Retirement Calculators
How Much to Save for Retirement
Impact of Inflation
The Cost of Waiting
Are My Current Retirement Savings Sufficient?
How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?


We want to build a strategy to help your employees be Financially Independent for Tomorrow (FIT).

Helping employees achieve their retirement income goal is in part your responsibility too. Our participant services offer an approach to retirement readiness that starts with providing your employees with the guiding principles to become financially independent in retirement. We help them:

  • beFIT by teaching them new habits to be financially fit;
  • getFIT by developing a financial workout worth committing to;
  • liveFIT by living well when they grasp the concept of saving more and developing good saving habits;
  • stayFIT by maintaining good saving habits to strengthen their financial future.

Additionally, many of  independent advisors use software to offer a gap analysis for employees that highlights the shortfalls in your employees' retirement strategy. The advisor will work with your employee to review the report and develop a strategy to start closing their retirement gap.

Retirement readiness of your employees is our focus!


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